Snowden: Trailer

Snowden PosterSnowden is a forthcoming American biographical political thriller film directed by Oliver Stone and written by Stone and Kieran Fitzgerald. The film is based on the books The Snowden Files by Luke Harding and Time of the Octopus by Anatoly Kucherena. The film stars an ensemble cast including Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Shailene Woodley, Melissa Leo, Zachary Quinto, Tom Wilkinson,Scott Eastwood, Logan Marshall-Green, Timothy Olyphant, Ben Schnetzer, LaKeith Lee Stanfield, Rhys Ifans, and Nicolas CageContinue reading “Snowden: Trailer”

The Walk (2015) Movie Review: The Triumph of One’s Passion

I have always had the highest regard for people who not only have a major passion in their lives but also go on to work on the same and convert it into reality. As it is a good majority of the people Worldwide do not really have a strong passion towards anything, and even among the very few who are really passionate about something it’s quite rare to see people actually trying to do something about it. At the same time it irks me at times to see some people who are truly blessed in having the right kind of atmosphere, support mechanism and everything else needed to just take that one step in making the plunge, the plunge to do something about their passion but who just don’t do it for various reasons. Philippe Petit is not someone like that though; he is someone who dared to dream, and dream beyond the ordinary. But that alone does not make him great, what makes him great is that he converted his dreams into reality.Continue reading “The Walk (2015) Movie Review: The Triumph of One’s Passion”

“The Walk is a love letter to the Twin Towers,” Robert Zemeckis

On a vast Montreal sound stage, director Robert Zemeckis is hard at work recreating a lost place and time. Here his leading man, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, stands on the ledge of a gigantic rooftop set built of steel and concrete, gazing out to a similar precipice over a football field away amidst a sea of green-screen. Yet his character, notably, doesn’t have the special powers found in your typical multiplex superhero. Instead, he’s equipped with a dream and the belief that anything is possible – as he sets off to walk a high-wire stretched between two of the tallest buildings on the face of the earth.Continue reading ““The Walk is a love letter to the Twin Towers,” Robert Zemeckis”

Sin City 2 (2014) Movie Review: In Which Joseph Gordon-Levitt Smells too Nice

I strongly believe that sequels of genre movies are best reviewed by people who appreciate the original, and ar not dumbfounded by the existence of a sequel in the first place. This is because every movie has its particular charms, and sequels prefer to dig themselves deeper into the pleasure-niche so as to attract the audience it already attracted, except more strongly. Sometimes it works, and you have Pirates of the Carribean: At World’s End, clearly the best movie in the trilogy and also the most hated by critics who didn’t think very highly of the first two. Other times, not so much, and you have The Dark Knight Rises, widely agreed among fans of The Dark Knight to be a horrible waste of potential, whereas every writer I read who didn’t like TDK thought this was significantly better. So, the question is, am I the right reviewer for Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For?Continue reading “Sin City 2 (2014) Movie Review: In Which Joseph Gordon-Levitt Smells too Nice”

Premium Rush ( 2012): A Classic Popcorn Movie

Premium Rush is an action movie that talks about the bicycle messengers of Manhattan. It shows us how they run traffic lights, hurtle down pavements, go into shops, get run over, get body bruises and deliver your package on time. All this for a lousy pay. Apparently these are the guys you call upon when you are in a hurry and FedEx and DHL can’t get the job done.

Premium Rush is your classic popcorn movie. It doesn’t aspire to be anything more and what it promises to be, it delivers. Premium Rush works because it doesn’t use any of the age old tried and tested methods of creating action. The novelty lies in the use of bicycles and the effective storytelling that David Koepp sticks to. Koepp usesContinue reading “Premium Rush ( 2012): A Classic Popcorn Movie”

Lincoln(2012) Movie Review: A Saga of American President

The only thing I knew about Abraham Lincoln before watching the film was that he is one of the greatest Presidents of the United States of America. I also knew that he was responsible for abolishing slavery. He was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theater and under his reign America was at Civil War and also the foundations for economic prosperity were laid down during his reign. I had read about his childhood and I had an image of  a tall man, well spoken, intelligent and very good with people. When I saw the movie I grew more in awe of the man. How can a person grow more in awe of a man when the man has been dead for a good part of 147 years? Well, when you have Daniel Day-Lewis enacting him, breathing life, bringing it all back, becoming him, you can.Continue reading “Lincoln(2012) Movie Review: A Saga of American President”

Eccentrically Romantic Films

The very mention of romantic movies will prompt some people to proudly mention the Cameroon directed blockbuster ‘Titanic’. Akin to most, it indulges in a story of two characters and their eternal love towards each other under some horrifying circumstances. However much you deny it, these movies follow a certain template(imperfectly) when it comes to carrying their story forward. What makes them stand apart are the individual performances and the chemistry between the on-screen couples.

Now let me clarify that romantic movies are really not my forte when it comes to reviewing. Romantic comedy’s would definitely score above romantic dramas in the circle of interest. That being said I don’t want to sound condescending as I have enjoyed few of them like When Harry Met Sally, A Lot Like Love, Little Manhattan, Sweet Home Alabama etc. Now there is another crop of movies that when described categorically falls under a subgroup I call as eccentrically romantic dramas. These dramas if to define theoretically defies the normal romantic cliches thereby following a storyline which is quite unique and intriguing when compared to the others. These movies although distinct has the the romantic strata as its hard-line. I know from description the category looks very alien to your knowledge of romantic movies but let me assure you that the line that divides both is very thin.

So in a bid to introduce you to such movies let me put forth two of my favorites in this category. These movies although range differently on romantic scales provides the same feel but they are done in a way that makes them stand apart.

1)Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

I tend to ignore people who justify this movie by calling it bizarre, bizarrely wonderful- OK. Handled ably by Charlie Kaufman and Michel Gondry this movie is emblematic of the modern cinema culture that tries to invent and improvise on things that are over utilized  Following a story of man trying to save his love from being erased, this movie encapsulates everything that a broken heart would yearn in a normal romantic saga. Maybe for a short period, it makes you believe in first sight love, divine interventions and things that tend to look infantile. Than there is the witch’s brew of love story and science fiction that only few has succeeded in making. As one comes to realize the story, he would exhort Joel in his journey to retrieve everything he is about to loose. Joel’s subconscious grunting at Ruffalo and Wood’s comments and holding on to Clementine in those last moments of faltering into nothingness is cinematically marvelous. And it comes comes down at the end in making love happen again through realization that feels torture all along. Performances augments this movie to whole another level, with Jim Carrey at his’s ‘never much seen’ best avatar and Kate Winslet for putting so much life into Clementine. Mark Ruffalo, Elijah Wood and Tom Wilkinson are other honorable mentions.

2) (500) Days of Summer

According to Marc Webb, the director this movie is 75% based on real life which is less of a surprise because this is somewhere every persons story. The plot is not as complex as ‘sunshine’ in fact it’s the contrary,simple. The screenplay randomly jumps between the 500 days creating a story that is seamless and hard to avoid. The movie moving between happy and sad moments rightfully evokes the emotions transpiring between the two individuals. Tom a eternal miserable romanticist thinks like any Tom Dick Harry that there is a palpable connection & conjures up dreams about Summer loving him back. She on the other hand is doesn’t believe in what Tom wants her to, instead takes life as it comes and unlike Tom has weird taste. These characters in short make up this story lot more view-able than it could be. Then there are a number of scenes that are unforgettable for me like the scene where in theatre Tom visualizes himself in foreign movies or the part where he and his friends are asked about love or the office outburst are among many I love replaying. Although this movies is subtle in many scenes it doesn’t hold back the emotions, thanks to the amazing background score(+1). Being my favorite I cannot imagine any other than Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel to portray the roles of Tom and Summer. The ending is the USP of this movie.

So among these there were relatively less favorites which needs a honorable mention. Garden State, Once, Amelie, Away We Go are some others.This is just what I think and would love some of your thoughts and recommendation of eccentrically romantic dramas.

– Mithil Naik Gaunker 

Looper Movie Review : Looped

Joseph Gorden Levitt has a come a long way from the fruity-long-haired-gawky looking kid in 3rd Rock From the Sun to a sharp-dressed-slick-haired-gun totting adult we see on screen now. Continue reading “Looper Movie Review : Looped”

Trailer of Steven Spielberg's Lincoln (2012)

When the first look of  LINCOLN was revealed a few weeks back, one could see that Daniel Day-Lewis had more or less nailed it as the former American President Abraham Lincoln.Continue reading “Trailer of Steven Spielberg's Lincoln (2012)”