Sin City 2 (2014) Movie Review: In Which Joseph Gordon-Levitt Smells too Nice

I strongly believe that sequels of genre movies are best reviewed by people who appreciate the original, and ar not dumbfounded by the existence of a sequel in the first place. This is because every movie has its particular charms, and sequels prefer to dig themselves deeper into the pleasure-niche so as to attract the audience it already attracted, except more strongly. Sometimes it works, and you have Pirates of the Carribean: At World’s End, clearly the best movie in the trilogy and also the most hated by critics who didn’t think very highly of the first two. Other times, not so much, and you have The Dark Knight Rises, widely agreed among fans of The Dark Knight to be a horrible waste of potential, whereas every writer I read who didn’t like TDK thought this was significantly better. So, the question is, am I the right reviewer for Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For?Continue reading “Sin City 2 (2014) Movie Review: In Which Joseph Gordon-Levitt Smells too Nice”

Watch the international action sensation‘300-Rise of an Empire’ on Blu-ray & DVD

‘Home Entertainment Services by Sony DADC’ releases the biggest action sequel of the year, 300-Rise of an Empire, on Blu-ray and DVD. Watch this action driven war flick that stars Sullivan Stapleton, Eva Green, Lena Headey and Rodrigo Santoro in high definition to enjoy the visual extravaganza.In addition to the film, the Blu-ray also offers various exclusive bonus features that will further add to the excitement of the viewers. Listed below are bonus features available on Blu-ray that are a must watch for movie lovers.

 Feature 1:Behind the scenes:Four Focus Point-style featurettes kick things off with a talking-heads overview of the sequel’s production, from Frank Miller’s initial pitch to producer Zack Snyder to the merging of performance, visual effects and bloody brutality. Segments include 3 Days in Hell, Brutal Artistry, A New Breed of Hero and Taking the Battle to Sea.Continue reading “Watch the international action sensation‘300-Rise of an Empire’ on Blu-ray & DVD”

Win Free DVD’S of 300 Rise of An Empire

Mad About Moviez (MAM) and Home Entertainment Services by Sony DADC bring to you 300 Rise of An Empire  Contest, wherein you can a win DVD of the film..Here are the details of the contest.

Continue reading “Win Free DVD’S of 300 Rise of An Empire”

300 Rise of An Empire Movie Review: All About Eva!

Cast:  Sullivan Stapleton, Eva Green, Lena Headey, Rodrigo Santoro

Directed by Noam Murro

Screenplay by Zack Snyder and Kurt Johnstad

Studio:  Warner Bros.

300 Rise of an Empire Poster300, when released back in 2007, managed to do something special that the low-brow actioners of the 80s used to once achieve. It managed to get the audience to laugh with it rather than laugh at it like the critics had predicted initially. Cheesy dialogues, over the top yet highly stylized action sequences, six-pack abs piling up onscreen, all coming together in a testosterone fueled orgy of violence. Yet, it managed to wow audience thanks to its unique visual style which threw the viewer right inside the panels of a comic book. Over the years it still remain popular thanks to the countless memes and parodies that it has spawned on the social media, and not to mention the iconic line – This is Sparta!!Continue reading “300 Rise of An Empire Movie Review: All About Eva!”

300: Rise of an Empire Movie Review: The God’s must be crazy

Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro) is a fascinating character. Tall, handsome, glimmering in gold and a swagger in his walk; Leonidas(Gerard Butler) leaves this King of God scarred on his face with a spear hurled at him during the concluding reels of 300. He has his own back story here. His transformation from a mere mortal to a man who is vicious and evil; Xerxes has a grand IMAX moment where he greets his followers from above the palace. And even though it is supposed to be based on a yet to be published graphic novel by Frank Miller, he is hardly there and maybe the makers missed a trick or two. They should have made an entire film on him.

A 2007 film, 300 was an interesting watch and has a good amount of followers mainly because of a strong lead and his quest to achieve the impossible. The imposition of chroma key technique by saturating the images to give a more comic book effect was visually spectacular and to accompany it was a cool soundtrack which had a heady effect for fans that vouch for style in cinema.

300: Rise of an Empire follows the event around the earlier version and replicates the entire ploy from its predecessor but fails with terrible effect to the point of nausea.Continue reading “300: Rise of an Empire Movie Review: The God’s must be crazy”