THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE Review: Not So Serious!

In the perfect world – everything ought to be awesome. And with THE LEGO MOVIE, it did manage to capture that idea and make it come alive on the big screen. It was a perfect template to pick and choose characters from various intellectual properties and have fun with the toys and make a story around it as you go along. It struck a chord with the inner child in us and went on to stand out as one of the best movies of that year.Continue reading “THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE Review: Not So Serious!”

Trailer Of The Lego Batman Movie

lego-batman-movie-release-dateEven as Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn Of Justice opened to harsh reviews, Warner Bros released the trailer of The Lego Batman Movie. The animated film which is a spinoff of the hugely enjoyable The Lego Movie (2014) sees Will Arnett lend his voice for Batman. Besides Arnett, the film features the voice talents of Rosario Dawson, Zach Galfianakis and Ralph Fiennes among others. Incidentally Arnett had voiced Batman’s character in The Lego Movie too.

Continue reading “Trailer Of The Lego Batman Movie”

Sin City 2 (2014) Movie Review: In Which Joseph Gordon-Levitt Smells too Nice

I strongly believe that sequels of genre movies are best reviewed by people who appreciate the original, and ar not dumbfounded by the existence of a sequel in the first place. This is because every movie has its particular charms, and sequels prefer to dig themselves deeper into the pleasure-niche so as to attract the audience it already attracted, except more strongly. Sometimes it works, and you have Pirates of the Carribean: At World’s End, clearly the best movie in the trilogy and also the most hated by critics who didn’t think very highly of the first two. Other times, not so much, and you have The Dark Knight Rises, widely agreed among fans of The Dark Knight to be a horrible waste of potential, whereas every writer I read who didn’t like TDK thought this was significantly better. So, the question is, am I the right reviewer for Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For?Continue reading “Sin City 2 (2014) Movie Review: In Which Joseph Gordon-Levitt Smells too Nice”