Aval Appadithan(1978): Review of Classic Tamil Cinema

Historically, the 70s are a very important decade in Indian cinema. Not that the others are any less important but the 70s hold a special place because more than any other decade it was in this that films on social stigmas, society came into play and film makers like Balu MahendraBharathirajaMani KaulShyam Benegal etc. started making waves. Also, this was the period where master auteurs like Satyajit RayMrinal Sen etc. started getting noticed abroad. All in all, the 70s gave the Indian films a global audience and appreciation that it didn’t have earlier. Among the  wonderful films that came out during that period came what is probably one of the greatest films, and arguably Tamil cinema’s finest – Aval Appadithan.Continue reading “Aval Appadithan(1978): Review of Classic Tamil Cinema”

Cinemausher’s Best Films of 2012

I love lists, especially year end list for movies! Last year when i had an opportunity to make this list, I had jumped to the occasion and this year fortunately (or unfortunately) for readers, I am churning out a list of my best films of 2012. Personally, for me, this year has been good with regards to movie especially with resurgence of Malayalam Cinema. If you ask me to describe 2012 at movies in one word, then it has to be “FANBOYISM”, we witnessed it with Agent Vinod in Bollywood, Gabbar Singh in Tollywood, and even in Hollywood with the release of The Dark Knight Rises. Whether fanboyism is good or bad for industry in the long run is altogether a different matter. Coming back to the list, this year has been bit difficult, probably due to many choices. Also after watching so many movies one tends to become desensitized while watching films, but it is always good to see some good work of art which touches your heart and moves you. Oh, and lastly, the list is not in any particular order. So here goes my Best Films of 2012:Continue reading “Cinemausher’s Best Films of 2012”