Phantom Thread Movie Review: Challenging, yet deeply fascinating drama!

Ambiguity. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s Mr. Anderson’s favourite word in the dictionary. The American director, often held as one of the best of his generation, has a penchant for creating a cinematic world which is at once captivating and mysterious. While watching his films you are never really sure of what kind of people his characters are or what they would do. Neither can you predict the direction in which the film is going, but, nevertheless, you are smitten by whatever is unfolding on the screen. It’s like going on a long, slow ride through the countryside, so lost in the sensory pleasure derived from the scenic beauty around, that you don’t really bother about where you are heading. You blindly trust your driver to take you to a destination that would certainly be worth the ride.Continue reading “Phantom Thread Movie Review: Challenging, yet deeply fascinating drama!”

Lincoln(2012) Movie Review: A Saga of American President

The only thing I knew about Abraham Lincoln before watching the film was that he is one of the greatest Presidents of the United States of America. I also knew that he was responsible for abolishing slavery. He was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theater and under his reign America was at Civil War and also the foundations for economic prosperity were laid down during his reign. I had read about his childhood and I had an image of  a tall man, well spoken, intelligent and very good with people. When I saw the movie I grew more in awe of the man. How can a person grow more in awe of a man when the man has been dead for a good part of 147 years? Well, when you have Daniel Day-Lewis enacting him, breathing life, bringing it all back, becoming him, you can.Continue reading “Lincoln(2012) Movie Review: A Saga of American President”

‘Tuhya Dharma Koncha?'(What’s your religion?) Movie Review: A moving portrayal of an important subject

The term ‘Adivasi(Adi+vasi)’ in itself can be translated to ‘original inhabitants’. But these original inhabitants of India, that number to approx. 67.7 million currently, have been systematically exploited for centuries now. This is held as the primary reason for the Naxalite movement and is a fact accepted by our Prime Minister too. Adivasis have been living indigenously in forests for generations together but there is no dearth of parties trying to encroach on their land. Their exploitation is supposed to have begun when the British with their colonial mindset declared themselves owners of all forest land in India, turning the Adivasis into encroachers overnight. If anything, their troubles have only increased now.

Writerdirector Satish Manwar had burst into the Marathi cinema scene with his extra-ordinary film Gabhricha Paus on the farmer’s suicides in Vidarbha, Maharashtra. He has again tried to deal with an unusual, but relevant and powerful subject of the exploitation of the Adivasis in the northern region of Maharashtra called Khandesh, in ‘Tuhya Dharma Koncha?’(What’s your religion?). However, he doesn’t focus on the encroachment of land by private forces, a regular occurrence in the news these days. Instead, rather interestingly, the film throws light on how the Pagan Adivasis are pulled in all four corners by dominant religious forces and even mishandled and disrespected by the government which has no understanding of their indigenous ways of life.Continue reading “‘Tuhya Dharma Koncha?'(What’s your religion?) Movie Review: A moving portrayal of an important subject”

The Road To Oscars 2013 : The Predictions

This year, there isn’t one single movie like Titanic that’s going to bulldoze itself through all categories in which it has been nominated. Putting your neck on the line by predicting winners in major categories is risky, yet I’ll do it here. In fact I would encourage others to do the same by using the comments section at the bottom. Then maybe we’ll exchange notes on February 25th. Each category also includes a name who would get an Oscar if I was the lone jury member.Continue reading “The Road To Oscars 2013 : The Predictions”

Golden Globe Nominations- 2013

The nominations for the 70th Golden Globe Awards were announced a short while ago. The presentation ceremony will be on 13th January, 2013. Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln leads the list by bagging 7 nominations, followed by Django Unchained and Argo with 5 each and Zero Dark Thirty with 4.  And Life of Pi has got 3 nominations.Given below is the complete list of nominees. So whom will you be rooting for?Continue reading “Golden Globe Nominations- 2013”

Unnaturally Natural : Some Classics that defied the Classical thought

Disclaimer: Though I have listed the films in an ascending order of my liking, please don’t treat this as a hard and fast countdown, because it’s too tough to rank films – most of which have been considered classics in their own right.
When thought of writing this post first came up, it was scary in itself. Keeping aside the inquisitiveness one generates while talking about or making films on a subject like homosexuality, what concerned me more were two points:
a) Will I be a good judge because I would never be able to relate to the films?
b) As I have seen a limited number of films, will the countdown be reliable?Continue reading “Unnaturally Natural : Some Classics that defied the Classical thought”