Dear Comrade Movie Review: Women in the World of Men

It has been a while since I have written here. Our site had become dormant of sorts of late and sadly we even recently lost our domain to a cyber squatter and we have now moved to Anyway, it is time to restart from scratch of sorts and be back in full force again.Continue reading “Dear Comrade Movie Review: Women in the World of Men”

Dhuruvangal Pathinaaru: Trailer

Dhuruvangal 16 Poster 2Karthick Naren, a 22 year old writer-director makes his entry into Tamil cinema with Dhuruvangal Pathinaaru (16 Extremes) or D-16. A thriller feat Rahman in the lead, the film claims to have no opening or end and is narrated in a non-linear fashion. Produced by Knight Nostalgia Filmotainment,the music is by Jakes Bejoy while Sujith Sarang is the DOP and Sreejith Sarang is the editor.Continue reading “Dhuruvangal Pathinaaru: Trailer”