Golden Globe Nominations- 2013

The nominations for the 70th Golden Globe Awards were announced a short while ago. The presentation ceremony will be on 13th January, 2013. Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln leads the list by bagging 7 nominations, followed by Django Unchained and Argo with 5 each and Zero Dark Thirty with 4.  And Life of Pi has got 3 nominations.Given below is the complete list of nominees. So whom will you be rooting for?Continue reading “Golden Globe Nominations- 2013”

Runaway Jury & US Gun Culture

The dozens of shootings that have taken place in last few years, and the number of shootings that take place ever-so-often, begs the question “Do we need a gun rights?”. The latest shootings that took place in a place of worship, a Gurudwara in Wisconsin, and before that in a movie hall in Colorado, is a tragedy of huge proportions. But the failure to act, on the part of the Govt, speaks of a deeper sickness at the willingness to neglect and sideline it in the name of preserving gun rights.Continue reading “Runaway Jury & US Gun Culture”

The Bourne Legacy-Trailer

The Bourne Legacy is the 4th in the series of the Jason Bourne films based on the Bourne novels written by Robert Ludlum and Eric Van Lustbader. The film takes off from where The Bourne Ultimatum ended and its directed by Tony Gilroy, the screenwriter of the 1st 3 films. Continue reading “The Bourne Legacy-Trailer”