Friends: The Reunion (2021): A Candyfloss Get-together

It has been 20 years since I graduated from high school. We wanted to have a reunion of few close buddies who are still in touch. The last such reunion we had was in 2019, when a pal from Canada and another from Australia were visiting India during the year-end holiday. Of course, soon Corona virus hit us and we all were trapped in our homes.

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Begin Again (2014) Movie Review: Music, the Elixir of Life

I begin with a confession that unlike many others I never really had much of an idea of John Carney’s work till some time ago. So much so that unlike people who swear by his celebrated indie film ‘Once’ (2007), who were probably waiting eagerly for his latest film Being Again wanting to know if retains the indie spirit despite having the advantage of working with stars this time, I had not seen Once. However having seen Begin Again and before I sat down to pen my thoughts on the film, I genuinely felt the urge to watch Once. Yes I know it’s a reverse process of sorts, but what’s life if not to do some stuff at times away from the regular routine right? 🙂 And now that I have seen both the films and realized that there’s a lot in common with both the films, despite both standing on their own I am all the more compelled to write about Begin Again.Continue reading “Begin Again (2014) Movie Review: Music, the Elixir of Life”