Kaakka Muttai: Trailer

Kaakka Muttai (Crow’s Egg) is a Tamil film film written, directed and filmed by M. Manikandan, a debutante. This film has won two national awards, for the Best Children’s film and for the Best Child Actors, at the 62nd National Film Awards.Continue reading “Kaakka Muttai: Trailer”

Rajathandiram Movie Review: Brilliant Deception, Smartly Served!

The ‘con trick’ genre, as I see it, is like walking a tight rope, especially in the context of Indian cinema. Why?  Before I explain the obvious connection, let me briefly take you through the etymology of the genre. A confidence trick (con-trick) is an attempt to defraud a person or group after first gaining their confidence, used in the classical sense of trust. Confidence tricks exploit classic characteristics of the human psyche such as dishonesty, vanity, compassion, credulity, irresponsibility, naiveté and greed. The perpetrator of a confidence trick (or “con trick“) is often referred to as a confidence (or “con”) man or a con-artist.

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