“Lajwanti” starring Sanghmitra Hitaishi selected for the 64th Berlin Film Festival

Lajwanti”, a Hindi folktale/love story (genre) film directed by Pushpendra Singh and starring upcoming actress Sanghmitra Hitaishi in the title role has been  selected for the ongoing 64th Berlin Film Festival.  Lajwanti is a film based on a folk tale by legendary Rajasthani writer Vijaydan Detha.

The film has been selected under the FORUM section of the film festival. Lajwanti is the only Hindi/Indian feature film along with Mani Kaul’s Ghasiram  Kotwal (old film)  be selected under this category this year. The FORUM category provides an overview of independent, artistic films with a disregard for convention. Forum in short, is the most daring section of the Berlinale. It showcases the best artistic movies from across the world, the films in this section straddle the line between art and cinema.Continue reading ““Lajwanti” starring Sanghmitra Hitaishi selected for the 64th Berlin Film Festival”