Charlie Movie Review: A Zestful Journey of Two Soulmates

I’ve always wondered how it would be to roam around carefree impulsively and to listen to the call of my heart. Added with the prospect of living life on one’s own terms, it’s made me wonder how if not for the typical societal norms and the compulsions of having some semblance of stability in life, a lot many more people would be thinking like me. Normally one tends to look down upon the select few lucky people who manage to do this, even going to the extent of calling them escapists. But what if they could afford to do so, or couldn’t care less about how the World perceived them? Oh! How I would cringe every time a certain elder would try to caution me saying, look you can’t be living bindaas anymore, you need to get more responsible. And how happy do I feel now that the tides have changed and that I don’t have to listen to that comment from that person anymore. Having seen Martin Prakkat’s Charlie I can’t but help think along these lines.Continue reading “Charlie Movie Review: A Zestful Journey of Two Soulmates”